Work today

I’ve spent quite a productive day in the Divinity Faculty library with about 20 books trying to finalize what I’m going to be doing my dissertation on. I met up with my supervisor earlier and we decided to do it about the word group based on “righteous” in a set of Psalms written about 80-40BC and how the usage in that compares to that of Paul in the New Testament. I’ve got lots and lots of books out of the library to allow me to start work, including the latest critical edition of the text of the Psalms of Solomon which was published in 1895… Not much work has been done on this book of late!

Tonight, myself and Patrick will be going to grad hall at Jesus College which should be good fun. We met up with some people from Holy Trinity and Toby and studies 1 Peter today at lunch time in Greek which was quite scary because it reminded me how little Greek I know. Oh well! I should be coming home on Thursday but I’m not sure at what time.

One thought on “Work today”

  1. hey there! you and all your theological and compsci geekiness! xD hahah sorry, i’ll still be your friend even though we have different tastes in music. hope everything’s all right with you 🙂

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