Remove Windows Phone CSS in Ionic 2/3 to save space

Lets face it, no-one uses Window Phone any more. However, in Ionic 3 there are several skins which are built in to the CSS to emulate the display of the platform that the app is running on. These are ios (iOS, apple devices), md (Material Design – Android devices and Ionic default skin) and wp (window phone). As each of these is different and affects almost all widgets, they are each responsible for roughly 25% of the CSS size of ionic (which can be big – 250kb or so).

So, as no-one uses windows phone and we don’t want to have to test multiple platforms we can easily remove it from the CSS build to save time, space and complexity.

Firstly, copy the SASS config into our custom config directory; we will use this to override the default Ionic SASS config:

mkdir config
cp ./node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/config/sass.config.js config

Then edit your package.json file and create or add a config dictionary to it like:

    "config": {
        "ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js"

Finally, open up config/sass.config.js, find the excludeFiles section and add the following:

  excludeFiles: [

If you don’t want to match different platforms with different Ionic themes/skins (which while nice takes quite a bit of time to fully test), you can choose to use eg the Material Design skin only by doing something like:

  excludeFiles: [

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