Last night we had a nice time watching Home Alone. I’d not seen it before, and it was very funny even if it was made for younder children. The kids absolutely loved it. However, during this a massive thunder storm had gathered, with a tropical downpour. It was probably the largest flood I’d ever seen however pretty moderate by Chinese standards. I was soaked to the bone after about 30 seconds of standing outside and lightening continued to flash til daybreak around the mountains which surround this area. Apparently we’re in for this for the next few days as well, which should be fun.
This morning, although the actual thunder and lightening had ceased for a few hours, it seemed to have energized the classes to be even more wild than usual. All the teachers are rather tired and all the classes are now bored of English and just want to mess around with each other. Even bribary with sweets is no longer quite as effective. Ah well, adapt and improvise.