Wow. The rev concert last night was really really good, even if I have to say so myself ;-). My voice is pretty much dead now but it was awesome to see about 300 people there and they were all standing up and dancing around by the end of the evening. After the concert, lots of us went to the Slug&Lettuce where we had a nice free buffet dinner and lots of drinks. I stayed around chatting to lots of people and met some people who I’d not spoken to before, which is always good fun.
The past few days I’ve just been doing work and messing around; nothing particularly fun other than Rev to report, although I will be going to the CICCU carol service soon which will have about 2000 people and is always fun; even though I’m not reading this year. My dissertation is coming along reasonably – up to about 3600 words at the moment although I still have a lot more to write before my supervision next Monday. I’m worried that I won’t be able to write enough, but from what I hear that’s a good thing because the dissertation always grows as you discover new things to footnote or research.
I have put a few more essays online, one on the transfiguration and one on the crucifixion.
hehehe… sorry… being facetious.